It seems to me that if I post others follow kind of a if you type it they will comment and feel like they need to post something. Other than that the only way to get peoples to post is for Clint to post about all of our procratinitivity (probably a word of not should be). Some of you may say Matt you don't post either and I've come to find out that that is true, causing me to wonder why is that. Has my life not been eventful in the last few weeks (NO) its because the last few weeks have been very depressing in my life, and I don't like to post negative. Since then I've changed my mind to reflect my life as more of an open book. So here is my challenge to myself and to others if interested from now till march 31 i plan on posting minimally 35 times (no more than 1 per day) of relevance or humor. So here we go
Post 1 Feb 7
Today i got a free car and didn't even have to be a contestant on the price is right My aunt and uncle (Tim and Jane) gave it to me. Its a 1998 Buick Century not my first choice but definitely within my price range. The only stipulation is it needs new inspection a new front window and an new battery. Today was Ashleigh's Happy Birthday Party, and everyone who read this were there and you know what fun it was. well that it for today see you tomorrow. Please let me know if you will join my posting endeavor and maybe just maybe Clint wont have to get onto us for not posting in February and March
a little break
11 years ago
I don't know if I'll post 35 times...but I have been pretty good at posting once or twice a week.
OH and NOT EVERYONE who reads this was at the party!!
Congrats on the car by the way, you definitely deserve a stoke of good luck :-D
There's no telling what I might do. I'm a loose cannon!
That's quite a promise though - 35 times - wow! Are you quitting all your jobs? Or are you planning to post like Duncle with just a simple "wow".
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